a black and white image of two circlesa man riding a wave on top of a surfboard

A new form of wealth

with yomoni


A new form of wealth with yomoni

Building wealth is the work of a lifetime.
Yet, financial solutions constantly promise volatility and instant gratification.

With Yomoni, we are creating a modern brand that, on the contrary, is solid and built to last. And since building wealth is, above all, a matter of personal choices, and Yomoni offers a high level of personalization, this embodiment of personal wealth allows everyone to envision their own masterpiece.

Our aim is to bring an artistic dimension to these blocs, which are clad in rough, noble materials such as stone and wood, evoking durability and solidity.


Yomoni is about the long term. Our customers entrust us for an average of 8 years. We have designed this new identity to offer them a clear, fluid and reassuring universe that lives up to their expectations.

Tom Demaison, Marketing Director at Yomoni